
submitted by you readers. My backlog of ready material is running quite low, maybe a couple more issues soooo ... "no write-um, no print-um” as a Chinese editor might say. How about it? Some of our best story- writers of past times are no longer with us so some of you newer readers who are aspiring authors must leap in and fill the gap... Fiction, True Experiences, Histories, Articles, Poems, fillers, cartoons, pictures... you know what goes into TVia. If you want it . . . feed it.

Thanks for your help and understanding, Virginia


It is desireable every so often to explain what Phi Pi Epsilon (FPE) is for the benefit of new readers.

FPE is a Sorority for males who enjoy being women at times and in places. Its purpose is to give FPs a change to their femmeselves in safe and secure surroundings among other people, both FPs and wives, who are understanding of each others feelings. We all know only too well what it's like behind the locked door. Some break out of those confines by going out into the world. Some can make it there but many others can't and shouldn't try but they too need outlets and occasions when the door can be unlocked. That is what FPE is all about. Unlike other "open door" organizations which exist, FPE is limited specifically to heterosexual male cross dressers. Homosexuals and transexuals must look elsewhere for their social contacts- they are on a different trip anyway.

Security is of prime importance in the organization of FPE. Its first requirement is that the applicant have read 5 issues of TVia, and to be sure of this it is required that they have been bought from Chevalier, not from a store. The purpose of this requirement is to allow the prospect to learn about our kind of people and if, after reading the 5 issues, she says, these ARE my kind of people and I want in, she may write for an applica- tion form. When returned, approved, accompanied by an information from for our Directory and the $12 first year dues, she is a member and is sent a copy of the Directory so that she may then contact other sisters around the country. So if you've had the 5 issues, and want in, write for and application. It will not be sent with the first order for 5 issues how- ever. We want you to read, not just buy. So order, read, and request.